2 Kommentare

  1. Aaaargh! Ein Unglück! Das ist ja übel.Da wärt ihr alle auch besser früh zu Bett und mit zur Meerschweinchen-Ausstellung gekommen. Da war es lustig.

    Andererseits, was soll eine Künstlerparty ohne einen kleinen Skandal?

  2. not only was the artist diplomatic at the end, he was also completely drunk.

    it would have been an insurance thing, which we should have tried to sort out after the weekend, but who can think about insurances when his head is spinning from nordic wodka?

    just today the artist was pissed again, ‘cos he had to repair the painting, but he has a good feeling about it. he just sold another one.

    scandal? would have been if only the artist could have been more on the path of destruction (and by that i dont mean self-destruction by even more nordic vodka) and killed some more paintings, screaming at the top of his voice of course (maybe getting naked in the process), beaten up the poor guy who ran into the first painting, and ran off with the girls after setting fire to the gallery.

    the way it actually went was just a mishap on drugs/liquids.

    i was thinking it would ruin the night for me but it didn’t. it was too great to be ruined by anything.

    we should all be continuing drinking at the finissage.

    but maybe we will take the paintings off the walls first.


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